Mission command
For senior and middle managers
13. septembrī, klātienē - Mercure Hotel, Elizabetes ielā 101, 10:00 - 18:00
Or Leadership skills in conditions of uncertainty

About the course

It is an undeniable fact that the daily work environment remains more chaotic, time is lacking more and more, the "over-information" effect creates confusion at every step, decision-making becomes more challenging, while directing employees in the necessary vector is more and more complicated. Organizational culture is capable of creating such stormy whirlwinds that sometimes it is difficult to trace what started a given situation in the first place. This list could, of course, be continued. The key to success lies in the potential of employees. At the level of consciousness, we want employees to have the necessary motivation, to be able and interested to show the necessary initiative, to make decisions more actively, to deal with the situations that arise, instead of running to clarify the nuances with the management with every second uncertainty. We want the reaction to situations to be faster, the decisions made to be of higher quality, and the goals to be achieved in a shorter period of time. It turns out to be a battle-tested strategic and operational management tool just right for such chaotic situations. Almost all major western business media (Forbes, Enterpreneur, Inc., etc.) started writing about the need for its application in 2019 (with the start of the pandemic). "Harvard business review" paid attention to this tool already in 2010. It is about the concept of "Mission Command" (hereinafter "MC"). It comes from a military environment where leadership mistakes cost the world's highest price - human life. "MC" essentially combines both strategic management tools and leadership philosophy. Until recently, civil society organizations did not have access to this tool. For maximum effect, the program is supplemented with a lot of practical exercises that strengthen the necessary result, as well as give an opportunity to look at everyday situations from a completely different point of view.
Course program
September 13 from 10:00 to 18:00
Participation fee 375 EUR + VAT
Venue Mercure Hotel, Elizabetes Street 101
Lunch, coffee breaks and snacks - included in the price of the participation fee
10:00 – 10:10
Beginning of studies
Introduction. Dating. Purpose of the program. Conduct guidelines. Warm-up exercise.
10:10 – 10:30
Introduction to Mission command
History, structure, principle of application, benefits
10:30 – 12:30
Understanding and strengthening the basic principles of mission command (7 in total) with the help of various practical exercises. Familiarity with each basic principle includes:
  • Getting to know the general guidelines;
  • Drawing parallels with everyday work;
  • Consolidation of knowledge with the help of practical exercises;
  • Feedback and formation of new knowledge;
  • If necessary, learning of additional management tools.
A practical introduction to one basic principle takes 40-60 minutes
12:30 – 13:10
Lunch break
13:10 – 17:30
Continuation - creating and strengthening understanding of the basic principles of Mission command
17:30 – 18:00
Summary of the day. Closing
Nauris Svika
  • Professional team development and leadership coach
  • 15 years of experience in translating military soft skills topics and in adaptation" from the military environment to the business environment
  • A graduate of the Western Military Academy
  • Team management experience in Kosovo and Iraq
Reserve participation in training
Fill out the application form
We will book your participation in the training
We will send you a booking confirmation and an invoice for your membership
In case of inquiries please call or write +371 29 220 262 or viktors@trainify.lv